Our close call with Freon exposure….

Why do so many people, scratch that businesses cut corners?

My family is so important to me. In our house we have my Mother and niece on the first floor. Upstairs our son sleeps in the loft bedroom, and my hubby and I sleep in the upstairs master bedroom. We have a great flow in the house. Especially since we finally unpacked all of our boxes and made our house our home.

So we need some repairs on our townhouse, simple stuff that any competent maintenance man can repair within one afternoon. So our air conditioner hasn’t worked right since we moved in. Why does it take more than 5 requests and 6 visits? To top that, he shows up to make this major repair and disappears right after… his repair visit’s last a total of 8 minutes each, why? Twice it has been “repaired”, yet both times we were reassured that it was in perfect working order. Since we were still having a problem, I made a complaint and amazingly our maintenance man shows up only to put a “band-aid” on our air conditioner. Yet again!

My hubby works till 12 sometimes 1am, instead he had come home early. His body’s internal clock has him woke generally until 2 or 2:30. Our routine is to watch a movie or show we recorded during the time he is working. Last evening or early morning he paused the movie and went to get a snack. Instead he ran into the room and told me to come downstairs. He’s panic and I see why, their is a thick smoke in the air. No visible fire just really thick smoke, which to us meant it was in the walls. But it smelled funny like burning epoxy. Immediately I call 911, they instruct us to evacuate the premise immediately. In a flash he jumps into action and get everyone us. Snatched our 8 yr old son from his bed, literally, he was in the air. Then got my mother up, who quickly got herself together. My niece was moving slow, so he’s yelling at her to wake up, in the meantime he has fully dressed our son in under 1 minute. God bless him, all we could hear is him yelling “Emergency, emergency, MOVE NOW” over and over again. In less than 4 minutes we are all outside.

He was our hero. He was so focused and on point that none of us suffered any asphyxiation or Freon side effects.

I only wish I had paid attention earlier, when he came home and said the house smelled funny. Honestly I hadn’t noticed because it had been slowly leaking for days.

So our wonderful fire department, came and ripped apart the wall that housed our central air unit, which happened to be right off of our sons loft area. We were so worried because out of all of us he was the most exposed. But thankfully god protected him and he is healthy. No signs of any exposure.

I am so upset with our management company and this so called maintenance man, we have only lived in this home for 3 weeks and in our sleep we would have asphyxiated. Not only were we homeless for two nights, one of which we stayed in a hotel better suited for 3 people. The other, the first night, we ended up on my sisters floor. I don’t know which was more uncomfortable.

The best of the whole ordeal, it took them 2 days to fix the problem, then another 6 days to repair all the damage created by the Fire Department.  (Recent Update)

When I look at the big hole and all the crappy workmanship, it reminds me that even though we moved her to be more accessible for my niece, we are two short months away from moving to another community. I look at my mother and I am so happy we didn’t buy this place or the other property we were interested in! Especially now that this new management team has shown and broadcast their neglect!


Here are some of the pictures of the damage